Actress Ushna Shah wrote on social networking site Twitter that Aamir Liaquat's private videos were shared on social media by a woman with whom he got legally married and he passed away, was very disgraced. "Anyone who shared these videos, made fun of them, laughed at them, they all have Aamir Liaquat's blood on their hands, the well known anchor provided us with laughing material but I hope he Will be at peace.
Text: Talath Naqvi and Amna Khalique There is a fire in Emraan Rajput that drives him despite the odds that haven't always been in his favour. In fact, it seems that the difficulties he faced at the beginning of his career are what drove him to pit his all and make it in this field. Emraan, at just 24, has carved a niche for himself in the fashion industry. I caught him at a bad time. His father had fallen ill and he had to rush to Karachi after a brief visit to Lahore. Even then, he agreed to a phone interview and spoke to me on his way to the airport. Emraan tried his hand at designing haute couture for women three years ago, but found menswear to be his forte. However, being the enterprising person that he is, a couple of years later Emraan decided to venture into the world of womenswear again. The result was a successful collection of western wear for women, which received acclaim after being printed in a style monthly, and fetched him a place among the up-and-coming designer...